
灼伤病人外周血IL—6、TNF的水平与休克相互关系的研究  被引量:1

Study of the Relation Between Circulatng IL-- 6.TNF Levels and shock in Burn Patients
摘要 采用B9细胞增殖的MTT法及L929细胞结晶紫比法,对10例Ⅱ度以上的灼伤病人检测4个不同时期外周血IL—6、TNF含量。结果表明,正常人血清中IL—6、TNF含量<10kU/L(12例),与灼伤病人区别明显(P<0.01)。灼伤病人外周血IL—6、TNF的水平与灼伤的面积、严重程度、临床分型以及休克发生发展有密切的相关性,而IL—6、TNF含量变化早于休克的发生,其变化有良好的规律性.提示外周血IL—6、TNF含量变化可作为判断灼伤休克的一个指标。 sing a modified growth assay of IL-- 6--depedet Bg Cells and TNF cytotoxicity of L929 cells.We investignted the circulating levels of IL-- 6,TNF in 1 0 petients with over--second--degree burnsat the fourth stase. Experimental results indicated that the IL -- 6, TNF levels in burn patientsremarkably increased compared with that in normal donors(P<0. o1). Which varies with the burninjrUty degree, Clinical claSSification and. shOCk attaCk. IntereStedy the inCenSe of iL -- 6, TNFcirculating levels appears earlier than clinical shock sign. Therefore tracing the changes of serums IL6 and TNF in burn patients will be very useful for the Prognostic of burn shock.
出处 《苏州医学院学报》 1994年第2期97-99,共3页 Acta Academiae Medicinae Suzhou
基金 苏州医学院青年教师基金
关键词 烧伤 白细胞介素 肿瘤坏死因子 burn interleukin-- 6 tumor necrosis factor shOCk(P. 97)
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