因疾病原因于6~7个月终止妊娠的胎儿,观察到其垂体前叶细胞(Human Fetal Adenohypophysis Cells,HFAC)能自发分泌IL-1、IL-6及TNFa,分泌水平分别为160±24U/ml、426±37U/ml及27±3.2U/ml。20μg/mlLPS可促进HFAC的IL-1、IL-6及TNFa的分泌,分别提高至1012±42U/ml、2480±102U/ml及50±12U/ml。100U/ml的hrIL-6可促进HFAC分泌IL-1及TNFa,而hrIL-1及hrTNFa则无明显作用。提示多种细胞因子参与神经内分泌免疫网络。
The secretion of cytokines by human fetal adenohypophysis cells (HFAC) and tie effect of LPSZ or hrIL-6 on the secretion were studied. The results showed that HFAC secreted spontaneously a variety of cytokines, including IL-1, IL-9 and TNFa. Under the stimulation of LPS (20μg/ml) or hr IL-6 (100U/ml), level of cytokines derived from HFAC was increased. It was suggested that LPS or hrIL-6 may act as a stimulator or tegulator of cytokine secretion.
Tianjin Medical Journal