Sustaining high saving rate and high investment rate may be the most two intricate phenomena in the course of high-speed Chinese economic growth. By constructing a growth model in which labour transition play pivotal role, and then testing it by a vector auto-regression model (VAR), we shows that the transition of actually unemployed labour from agriculture to industury (industrialization), from rural area to city (urbanization), from state-owend enterprise to private sector (marketization), has contributed substantially to Chinese growth. As to high saving rate and high investment rate, they are just the natural results of labour transition and also the impetus by which the transition can be sustained. But if we consider inefficient domestic financial sector, the transformation of saving to investment and also labour transition may be terminated. Therefor, international exchange of risk between demestic and foreign financial sectors, i.e. the former exporting safe capital by holding official foreign exchange reserves while importing risky capital through direct foreign investment, is the key to economic growth.
Economic Research Journal