简要介绍了城市公共安全综合试点项目的启动背景 ,分析了长沙市目前的公共安全现状 ,提出了综合试点方案 ,包括建立长沙市公共安全基础数据库 ,开展重大危险源辨识和生命线应急能力评估 ,建立长沙市重大事故预防控制体系 ,建立长沙市应急联动系统 ,编制长沙市公共安全规划等五部分。该方案既结合了长沙的实际又具有较高的起点 ,实施思路清晰 ,它的实施对提高长沙市的公共安全水平具有重要意义且试点成果具有一定的典型性和示范性。
The starting background of urban public security project was introduced briefly. Present situation of urban public security in Changsha city was analyzed and a comprehensive experimental scheme was put forward. The scheme consisted of five parts, namely construction of basic database of urban public security, identification of major hazard and evaluation of the ability of emergency response, construction of severe accident prevention and control system, construction of emergency response coordinating system and compiling urban public security protocol of Changsha city. Combining with the realistic situation in Changsha city, it showed a rather high starting point and an explicit implementation route. Its implementation demonstrated great significance in urban public security of Changsha city and proved to be a typical and exemplary scheme.
China Safety Science Journal
国家"十五"科技攻关项目资助 (2 0 0 1B80 3B0 4 )
湖南省科技厅项目资助 (0 2SSY2 0 0 2 - 6 )