传统的公路集料生产其质量不能满足现行公路沥青面层集料的质量要求。机 制砂石将成为公路面层集料的主体。目前的机制集料生产企业多为小型企业,质 量不稳定。根据集料生产工艺中的诸环节,提出质量控制的措施。
The conventional highway aggregates are sands and gravels collected from river and produced by method of washing, whose quality can't satisfy the request of asphalt surface course and cause much environmental problem. Machine-made sands and gravels will be a main part of highway aggregate. The quality of product cannot be guaranteed for most aggregates are produced by small enterprise. As a result, the quality of aggregates is the major problem, which need to be solved in the future. This paper puts forward measures of quality control according to the process of producing the aggregate.
Beijing Geology