
美国养老社会保险私有化改革动向 被引量:2

摘要 在美国众多的养老社会保险计划改革方案中,华尔街银行家马歇尔·卡特和威廉·希普曼提出的养老社会保险个人账户计划(PSSAs)是一种典型的完全私有化改革方案。马歇尔·卡特等认为,在人口老龄化形势下,美国的现收现付养老金制度不但使老年收入得不到保证,而且在职人口的利益和美国经济也因高税率而受损;他们声称,如果美国放弃现收现付(PAYGO)养老社会保险计划,
作者 刘子兰
出处 《经济学动态》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期100-104,共5页 Economic Perspectives
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  • 1ICI(2004), "Mutual funds and the U.S. retirement market in 2003", Fundamentals 13(2).
  • 2Social Security Administration(1995), Fast & Facts Figures About Social Security, 7.
  • 3M.N.Carter & W.G. Shitmmn(1996), Promises To Keep: Saving Social Security's Dream, Washington, D.C. : Regnery Publishing, Inc.
  • 4R. Disney(1999), "OECD public pension programs in crisis: An evaluation of the reform options", paper presented at ACES at the ASSA meetings in New York.
  • 5H. J. Aaron, A. S. Blinder, A. H. Munnell & P. R.Orszag (2001), Response to the Co - chairs of the Commission, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the Century Foundation, July 24.
  • 6H. J. Aaron, A. S. Blinder, A. H. Munneil & P. R. Orszag( 2001), "Perspectives on the draft interim report of the President' s Commission to strengthen social security", Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the Century Foundation, July 23.
  • 7The Century Foundation ( 2001 ), "Social security privatization : Eleven myths", Issue Brief # 10 Df the Social Security Network,July, 17.
  • 8A.H.Munnell(1998), "Privatization plans hit women hardest",The Social Security Network, 11/12.
  • 9World Bank(1994), "A World Bank Pohcy Report: Averting the Old Age Crisis", Policies to Protect the Old and Promote Growth,Oxford University Press.
  • 10A. B .Atkinson(1995), "Is the welfare state necessarily an obstacle to economic growth?", European Review 39.


  • 1Henry J. Aaron, Alan S. Blinder, Alicia H. Munnell, and Peter R. Orszag. Perspectives on the Draft Interim Report of the President's Commission to Strengthen Social Security:2001.7.
  • 2Olivia Mitchell," Administrative Costs in Public and Private Retirement Systems," in M. Feldstein, ed., Privatizing Social Security (National Bureau of Economic Research: Chicago, 1998).
  • 3Olivia Mitchell," Administrative Costs in Public and Private Retirement Systems," in M. Feldstein, ed., Privatizing Social Security (National Bureau of Economic Research: Chicago, 1998), P404.
  • 4韩大伟等 .养老金体制 [M].北京 : 经济科学出版社 ,2000.45.
  • 5Mamta Murthi, J. Michael Orszag and Peter R. Orszag, " Administrative Costs under a Decentralized Approach to Individual Accounts: Lessons from the United Kingdom. Presented at the conference on " New Ideas About Old Age Security". The World Bank, September 1999.
  • 6National Academy of Social Insurance, " Evaluating Issues in Privatizing Social Security, Report of the Panel on Privatization of Social secwrity", Washingtton 1998.
  • 7Amy Finkelstein and James Poterba," Selection Effects in the Market for Individual Annuities: Evidence from the United Kingdom", NBER Working Paper 7168, 1999.











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