详细介绍了如何结合二维的GIS技术和三维GIS技术 ,制作一个既能逼真的显示地理信息又具有完整的信息分析功能的地理信息系统的方法。分析了二维的GIS技术和三维GIS技术各自的优缺点 ,并简略的介绍了 2 .5维GIS技术和纯三维GIS技术研究现状。
This article introduces the combination of 2D GIS technology and 3D GIS technology. It builds a system which can show the verisimilitude geographic information and has integrity geographic analysis ability.It also analyzes the excellence and defect of 2D GIS technology and 3D GIS technology,and introduces the actual state of research of 2.5D GIS and pure 3D GIS.
Computer & Digital Engineering