传统的狭隘的形而上学实践观有很多自相矛盾之处 ,是对马克思主义哲学辩证实践观的歪曲 ,是实践唯物主义哲学各派的共同症结。实践不是改造世界的物质活动 ,不是认识世界的精神活动 ,不是“认识和改造世界的活动” ,不是所谓“人类总体性的存在方式” ,而是认识活动与改造活动“耦合”而成的“一” ,它对实践唯物主义哲学具有“视野”和“立场”的本体论意义。终结形而上学实践观对于克服实践唯物主义哲学各派的对立及其局限性 ,建立实践与人类生存困境及其终极关怀的联系 ,弄清“交往”、“主体际性”等交往实践观的某些基本问题 ,从根本上提升实践唯物主义哲学具有重要意义。
Being self-contradictory and the common crux of schools in practical materialism, the metaphysical practice, traditional and narrow, is misrepresentation of Marxist dialectical practice. With ontological significance of 'field of vision' and of 'position' for practical materialism, the practice is 'one' only coupled by 'cognizing' and 'transforming', neither the substantial activities of transforming, nor the cultural activities of cognizing, nor so-called 'overall Dasein of mankind'. In overcoming sorts of limitations in study of practical materialism, in strengthening the ties between practice and dire straits of mankind , between practice and ultimate concern of mankind, in gaining a clear idea of certain basic problems in the view of communicant practice, such as 'communication','intersubjectivity', generally speaking, in unifying practical materialism, the end of metaphysical practice will play an important part surely.
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Social Sciences Edition)