老年人参加气排球运动 ,对身心健康有良好的影响。但是 ,若盲目性地进行锻炼 ,也会发生关节、韧带等运动器官的损伤。原因是对老年人日益衰变的解剖生理特点认识不足。为此 ,要研究适合老年人体质和健康状况特点的锻炼方法和手段 ,使气排球运动沿着以康乐为宗旨的方向进展。
It is benefical to their physical and mental health for the aged to take past in gas volleyball. However, the degenerate changes of their segment and vigament of the resact in the injuries of their segment and vigament. so it is necessary to study the characteristics of the aged in the sport. Use to ensure the healthy development of gas volleyball.
Fujian Sports Science and Technology