朝鲜王朝的《农事直说》与中国元朝的《农桑辑要》这两部农书在产生背景、编书目的、作者经历和农书具体内容方面都有可比性。它反映了中国农学对朝鲜农学的影响 ,以及朝鲜农学由机械照抄到结合本国风土实际 ,确立相对独立的基本体系。
This paper compares the historical background the authors' personal experience and concrete content of two agricaltural books, Nongsangjiyao of Yuan Dynasty and Nongsachiksol (《农事直说》) of Choson Dynasty.This comparison reveals the influnce of Chinese agricultural studies on Korea and how Korean agriculture studies developed, according to her own situation,from the stage of mechanically copying to that of establishing a relatively independent system.
Journal of Yanbian University:Social Science Edition