中国产业结构成长可以分为工业化初期和均衡化与高级化发展期。工业化初期出现的产业结构封闭和自我循环、工业赶超、产业结构演变非对称与产业结构聚合质量不高、多次出现产业结构逆转和结构性振荡等 ,其根源是技术发展水平滞后于重工业数量扩张 ,重工业生产技术和农业、轻工业生产技术不能协调共进 ,产业技术结构不合理以及产业技术关联之上的产业关联没有建立。均衡化与高级化发展期虽然农轻重的结构趋于协调 ,但技术支撑仍然不力。一方面 ,我国获取技术的来源存在着结构问题 ;另一方面 ,引进技术的结构也存在“软”、“硬”失调。因此 ,引进技术必须与自主开发有机地结合起来。加强自主开发 ,才能带动更高一级的技术及其产品的引进 ,使引进和自主开发形成良性互动的机制。这种引进递进的过程 。
The growth of China's industrial structure can be divided into two periods: the primary industrialization and balancing period and the upgrading period. In the former period, due to the fact that the pace of scientific and technological development fell behind the expansion of heavy industry, no coordinated development of technologies in heavy industry, light industry and agriculture, unreasonable industrial structure, and no establishment of industrial links based on the industrial technology relations, there appeared many problems such as the closed and self-circulating industrial structure, trying to surpass the advanced country's industry, unsymmetrical development, low quality of aggregation, frequent reverse and vibration of industrial structure, etc. In the later period, the structure of agriculture, heavy industry and light industry tended to be more coordinate, but still lacked sufficient scientific and technological support. Reasons for this can be traced to structure problems as to from where to introduce technology, as well as the unbalanced structure of import of “soft” and “hard” technologies. So now it is necessary to combine the introduction of technology with the self-development of technology together to an effective extent, so as to form a reciprocal activating mechanism in the process of introducing and self-developing.
Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
industry, industrial structure, scientific and technological support, structure balance, technological innovation