“传通”是人与生俱来的本领 ,是人类关系赖以存在和发展的机制。人类社会靠传通得以存在 ,历史文明靠传通得以传承。信息是传通的材料 ,媒体是信息的载体。随着科学技术的发展进步 ,人类经历了口头传通、文字传通和电子传通的阶段 ,开始进入网络传通的时代。继报刊、广播、电视之后出现的网络媒体 ,被称作“第四媒体” ,其特点是能使文字、声音、图像和数字混合 ,从而为人类提供了数字化生存环境。网络传通改变了人类的交往方式和传通观念 ,也改变着世界的传通秩序 ,创造了一个开放的、多元化、平等的信息交流环境 ,促使“中国了解世界 ,世界了解中国”。但也不可忽视网络传通的负面影响 ,政府应在大力支持发展网络传通事业的同时 。
As an in-born capability of human beings, “communication' is the necessary mechanism for human beings to rely on for existence and evolution. Owing to this ability, human society can survive, historic civilization can be inherited and passed on. With information as the communicated material and media as the carrier, “communication' has experienced several stages of from oral communication, written communication, electronic communication to the latest one of net communication. Following newspapers, broadcasting and television, net communication, also named “the fourth media', came into being with features of combining words, sounds, pictures and digits together, this provides humans with a d igitized environment. Net communication changed the traditional approaches and concepts of communication, also the communication order in the world. It created an open, multiplied and equal communication environment, offering more chances for Chinese people to know the world and the world to know Chinese people. On the other hand, some negative effects are not to be ignored, the government should conduct legal administration while it encourages the development of the net communication.
Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
nulti media