依法治国和以德治国相结合是古今中外兴衰成败的历史经验和教训的深刻总结 ;是市场经济发展和完善的必然要求 ,是迎接经济全球化和知识经济挑战 ,实现第三步战略目标的要求。依法治国和以德治国相结合必须坚持适度原则 ,必须研究新形势、新情况、新问题 。
The combination of administering country by law and by ethics is the profound summation from the experiences and lessons of success or failure at all times and in all countries.It is the logical requirement of the development and improvement of market economy.It is the requirement that welcome the chanllenge of global economy and knowledge economy and realize the Third Strategy Aim.We must stick to the Moderate Degree Principles and study new situations,new problems and embody the times characteristics.
Journal of Hebei Youth Administrative Cadres College