随着市场经济的发展 ,青年人才的流动日益频繁 ,并呈现出以下发展趋势 :青年人才向高科技产业流动 ;青年人才向经济发达地区和发达国家流动 ;青年人才向外资和私营企业流动。充分研究青年人才流动的原因及当前存在的问题 ,并加强对流动的正确引导 ,使青年人才流动向着更合理。
With the development of the market-oriented economy,the flow of young talents are appearing with increasing frequency.There are such trends in the flow of young talents as flowing to high technology industry;flowing to economic developed areas and advanced countries;flowing to the foreign and private enterprises.We should research the reasons of the profession flow as well as the existing problems at present time and guide the flow correctly.Only these have been done,will the young talents flow develop more reasonable and scientific.
Journal of Hebei Youth Administrative Cadres College