在改革开放形势下 ,新经济组织如雨后春笋般的蓬勃发展 ,新经济组织的团建工作也必须跟随形势有创新意识 :在观念上应充分认识其重要性和紧迫性 ;在组织上要适应组织的发展趋势和劳动组合方式 ;在活动内容和方式上要贴近企业 ,突出质量和效益 ;在管理机制上要灵活多样。
Under the situation of inform and open,new organizations are spranging up like mushrooms.We must realize the importance and urgency of the league forming work in concept;adjust to the development trend and organization mode;close to the enterprises and emphasis the quality and benefit in the activity context and ways;be flexible and diversified and create high efficiency in management mechanisms.
Journal of Hebei Youth Administrative Cadres College