二战后的日本对台政策是影响中日关系的一个重要因素。 2 0世纪 90年代以来 ,日本不断提升日台关系 ,加深介入台湾事务 ,助长了台湾岛内外的“台独”势力 ,为中日友好关系的进一步发展设置了极大的障碍。日本对台政策的调整受到了历史情结、日本国家战略、经济利益、国内政治、台湾当局“台独”倾向等多方因素的影响。对此 ,中国在对日交往中既要坚持“一个中国”的立场 ,坚决反对日本插手中国的台湾问题 ,也要积极增强与日本经济、政治、军事。
Japanese government has adjusted the policy to Taiwan several times since World War Ⅱ. And every adjustment had deep influence on the relationship between China and Japan. Since 1990s, Japan has been contacting more closely with Taiwan as well as involving more deeply in Taiwan's affairs. Cor respondingly , the tendency of 'Independent Taiwan', whether inside or outside the island, is growing. It has also made the Taiwan problem more complex,hurt the emotions of Chinese people and weakened the trust between the two nations.All of these have blocked the progress of the Chinese Japanese relationship development.In fact, the adjustment is due to historical reasons, the Japanese national strategy, the economic interests,the national politics and the authorities' tendency of 'Independent Taiwan' in Taiwan Island, etc. And all of these factors will affect the Chinese Japanese relationship in the future.We should not only insist on the principle of 'Only One China', and fight against Japanese government's taking a hand in Taiwan affairs, but also be active in improving economic, political, military and cultural exchanges with Japan, enlarge the common interests, advance the mutual understanding,and expel misgivings about the reunion from the Japanese government.Overall,we believe that the Chinese Japanese relationship will develop along with the historical trend.
Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
the Chinese Japanese relationship