《名利场》是 1 9世纪英国批判现实主义作家萨克雷的代表作 ,这部伟大的作品具有鲜明的艺术特色。以幽默、讽刺、旁白等叙事手法陈述故事 ,通过愉快活泼的对话刻划人物 ,采用现实主义表现手法揭露当时英国上流社会尔虞我诈的种种丑态 ,使作品产生了独特的艺术魅力 。
Vanity Fair written by William Makepeace Thackeray is generally recognized as his masterpiece, through which he established his important position in the history of English literature. In the novel, Thakeray profoundly exposes the social evils and reality of the times through realism and satire. This paper tries to make some explorations of the novels elements of realism and satire that contribute much to its great success.
Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)