采用Pseudomonasputida 5 x细胞为吸附剂的生物吸附过程组合SBR生物降解系统处理含铜离子城市废水 .研究了生物吸附剂Pseudomonasputida 5 x细胞的最佳制备条件以及组合系统的运行过程 .实验结果表明 ,在优化的条件下 ,Pseu domonasputida 5 x细胞对铜离子的吸附容量可达 87 3mg·g-1,经生物吸附处理后 ,污水中Cu2 + 的含量显著降低 ,尽管残留的Cu2 + 对活性污泥吸附COD的能力尚有一定影响 ,但已不影响SBR系统对废水中COD的去除效果 .研究表明 ,在活性污泥法处理含铜离子废水前 ,采用生物吸附技术降低废水中Cu2 + 含量 ,有利于提高后续活性污泥过程对COD的去除能力 .
A combined bioprocess consisting of biosorption section with P. putida 5-x cell as biosorbent followed by a SBR is developed to treat Cu 2+ containing municipal wastewater. The optimal preparing technique of P. putida 5-x cell as biosorbent is studied. Under the optimal condition, adsorption capacity of the P. putida 5-x cell to Cu 2+ reached 87.3 mg·g -1. The performance of the combined bioprocess for treating Cu 2+ containing wastewater is assessed. The experimental results indicate that after treatment by the biosorption section, the Cu 2+ concentration in wastewater reduced to the level that did not inhibit COD removal efficiency of subsequent SBR activated sludge process, although it still affectes the COD adsorption capacity of activated sludge. In terms of COD removal, the biosorption section is efficient for reducing Cu 2+ concentration to provide biodegradable wastewater for subsequent SBR activated sludge process.
Environmental Science