提高双语教师实施素质教育的能力与水平 ,是全面推进民族地区实施双语教育和素质教育、提高民族教育教学质量的基本保证。当前双语教师的继续教育 ,受职前学历教育模式的影响 ,强调本体性专业知识 ,教师的综合素质、双语教育教学能力难以有效提高 ,难以适应民族地区实施素质教育的要求。为此 ,应加大双语教师继续教育模式的改革与创新力度 ,尽快实现从传统教育模式向现代教育模式的转变。
It is very important to give the quality education to the bilingual teachers that can guarantee the education quality in the minority regions. Due to the lack of the education and the related knowledge, the quality of the current bilingual teachers has not reached the standard of the requirement of the education quality. Therefore, the continuous education mode for the bilingual teachers should be reformed and improved in order to speed up the change from the traditional education mode to the modern education mode.
Journal of Xinjiang Finance & Economy Institute