
人体工程学在人力资源管理中的实践 被引量:1

The Practice of Ergonomics in Human Resource Management
摘要 本文在人力资源管理框架下,综合运用人体工程学的研究成果,集中探询办公室工作环境中人与环境的最佳结合点,尝试发现合理地将人体工程学应用于人力资源管理实践的作用,以期保障劳动者的身心健康,增加劳动者的工作满意度,实现人与组织和谐共存、科学发展的价值和理想。 Based on the theory of human resource management and the achievement in the ergonomics research, this thesis explores the best joint of human being and environment in the office environment and tries to find out the significance of application of ergonomics in human resource management so as to guarantee the employees to be physically and mentally healthy, to enhance the satisfaction, to produce a harmonious coexistence of individual and group and to realize the value and ideal of scientific development.
作者 裴晨 刘秋颖
出处 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2005年第2期136-140,共5页 Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 人体工程学 人力资源管理 人与工作环境的相互关系 ergonomics human resource management the mutual relation of human and working environment
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