网络给全世界的人们带来了无限的生机的同时也带来了很多的困扰。由于多年来网络系统累积下了无数的漏洞,我们将面临的威胁与日剧增。DoS攻击是网络上最不安定的因素之一。SYN flooding攻击是DoS攻击的一种重要形式,SYNflooding是利用TCP协议3次握手时的漏洞对服务进行攻击。以SYN flooding攻击的实现为线索,对SYN flooding攻击的原理进行了深入剖析,提出了一个综合的、"内外兼休"的防御办法。
Internet has brought much trouble as well as infinite benefits for worldwide people. Since the countless leaks accumulated by Internet system in the last years, the growing menaces are faced than ever before. DoS attack is one of the most unstable factors on the Internet. SYN flooding attack is an important way to do that, which uses leaks during TCP's three-way handshake. The theory of SYN flooding attack is deeply analyzed according to SYN flooding attack's achievement. And on the base of this, an integrated method is given by which can defend the attacks from inside and outside.
Computer Engineering and Design