In solid state physics,the symmetry group of the Hamiltonian of crystal is space group G by taking periodic border conditions.The eigenstate of the electronic is Bloch function,these functions form the basis of the irreducible representation of the space group.The g_l dimensional representation of the wave vector group is induced by the basis of the irreducible representation of the translation group.The g_l dimensional representation is reduced by making the representation group G_k′ of G_k.Using the eigenfunction method,we have the irreducible representation basis of the G_k′.So the problem of IR of G_k is translated the problem of IR of G_k′.In brillion zone,the wave vector kω is selected and G_k is calculated.The G is formed by the left coset of G_k,then the IR of the space group is induced.This theory is simple and clear and easy to be programmed.
Journal of Shenyang College of Education