Data redistributing is the key technique to implement the load balancing in parallel programming based on message passing interface. A load balancing method with interleaving redistributed data suitable for message passing parallel computing environments is presented to solve the load imbalance problem arising from the parallel numerical simulation of non-balance dynamic equations to simulate non-balance phenomenon of radiation. At first, a load imbalance model is designed to describe the mam characteristic of the physical problems. For this model, the defined domain is uniformly differenced into grid cells, and every grid cell is assumed to process in different CPU time that can't be predicted by using the history information. Secondly, a load balancing method with interleaving redistributed data is presented. Next, an parallel model is given to analyse the performance of the new load balancing method. In the last, the new load balancing method is applied to the parallel numerical simulation of non-balance dynamic equations, and the performance is improved about 20%.
Computer Engineering and Design