

A Study on Application of Connectionist Theory in English Vocabulary Teaching
摘要 词汇教学是外语教学的重要组成部分。连接论认为词汇信息分布在节点组成的网络之中。网络的连接力度随着语言输入的增加相应加强,语言形式和意义的关系便建立起来。连接论的观点不仅可以解释词汇知识是如何构建和习得的,而且对外语词汇教学有重要启示。 Vocabulary teaching is an essential part of foreign language teaching. The connectionist theory assumes that lexical information is stored in networks of nodes. The process of creating form-meaning relationships occurs when neural networks are strengthened over time as the learner frequently encounters the item in the input. Connectionist view of lexicon not only explains how lexical knowledge is constructed and acquired, but also has a profound influence on the English vocabulary teaching.
作者 黄娟
出处 《邢台学院学报》 2005年第1期82-84,共3页 Journal of Xingtai University
关键词 连接论 二语习得 词汇教学 英语 connectionist theory secondary language acquisition vocabulary teaching
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