“知识受众”是借鉴大众传播学“受众”概念在图书馆学“读者”的基础上形成的一个新的图书馆学概念。这个概念的提出 ,对图书馆学研究具有积极的现实意义。知识受众的权益是法律赋予的权利 ,针对目前图书馆对知识受众权益的种种侵害 ,提出了权益保障的措施。
Derived from the concept of 'receiver' in mass communication, 'knowledgereceiver' isa new concept based on 'reader' in library science. It is quite significant to propose this concept in the study of library science. The rights of knowledge receivers are legitimized. This paper has proposed the measures of how to guarantee the rights when the rights of knowledge receivers are infringed by the library at the present time.
Research on Library Science