文章通过分析医学图书馆虚拟咨询服务的特点及咨询人员整合的必要性 ,拟定了咨询人员的选择标准、整合范围。并着重探讨了对馆外虚拟咨询人员的整合方式 ,包括对医学及其他学科专家的聘请、面向社会和在校大学生的招聘以及与其他馆的虚拟咨询协作等方式。
The paper studies out the criterions of selecting consultation personnel and the area of integrating with analyzingthe characteristics of virtual reference service and necessity of integration in medical libraries. Then explores emphaticallythe mode of integrating virtual reference consultation personnel out of library, including retaining experts from medical and other science domain,engaging social personnel and university students and cooperating with other libraries.
Research on Library Science