在QCD因子化框架下 ,对可能的辐射湮灭衰变 B0s ,d→J/ψγ进行研究 .在标准模型中 ,相对于简单因子化下领头阶的分支比 ,αs 阶非因子化辐射修正对分支比有显著的量级上的改变 ,这些衰变可用来检验因子化方法 .在理论上 ,B介子稀有辐射衰变对超出标准模型的新物理特别敏感 .作为一个例子 ,我们考虑右手带电流对标准模型中左手流可能的混合效应 ,这个混合对衰变分支比有显著的影响 .
We study the radiative annihilation decay 0 s,d →J/ψ γ in the framework of QCD factorization. We show that the nonfactorizable radiative correction at the order α s changes the magnitude sighificantly in comparison with the leading-order result with the naive factorization in the Standard Model. Future measurements of these decays would be useful for testing the factorization framework. Rare radiative decays of B mesons received considerable theoretical attention due to their special sensitivity to physics beyond the Standard Model. As an example, we consider the effects of the admixture of right-hand charge currents to the standard left-hand current. This admixture will give a significant contribution to the decays.
High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
国家自然科学基金 (10 3 0 5 0 0 3 )
河南省杰出青年基金 (0 3 12 0 0 170 0 )资助~~