自西汉文翁兴学以来 ,巴蜀人才辈出 ,就有“人文之盛 ,天下莫与京焉”之说。近代以降 ,外侮不断 ,泱泱大国 ,金瓯残缺。在抗击外侮、维新变法、辛亥革命、讨袁战争、护国护法等一系列重大政治事件中 ,巴蜀爱国正直之士更是以身作“马前卒” ,以笔作刀枪 ,谱写了一曲曲凛然激烈的壮歌和一篇篇义薄云天的散文。这些作品是巴蜀近代革命风云的镜子 ,是爱国爱民的策论 ,是山水人物的画卷 ,是社会人生哲理的揭示 ,具有丰厚的审美内涵 ,充分展现了近代巴蜀大地的政治、军事、经济、文化风貌 ,以及“巴蜀人文天下盛”
Since Old Man Wen in West Han Dynasty started establishing schools,talents began to emerge one after another in Basu Region.In modern times,some patriots in Basu Region took pens as weapons and comˉposed many stern and intense songs and prose with tremendous justice.These works are a mirror of the Basu revolutionary atmosphere in modern times,are people_loving and patriotic discourses,are the drawing and scenery of mountains and the people,are the revelations to social life and philosophic principles,possess rich aesthetical connotations,display the political,military,economic and cultural style and features of the Basu Land,and display the magnificent specutacularity of”People and literature in Basu Land prosper all over the World”.
Journal of Chongqing Institute of Technology