1Why Does Polling Matter? http://www.harrispollonline. com/history. asp.
2Two Gigantic Blunders In The History Of Election Polling,hrtp://www. harrispollonline. com/history. asp # blunders.
3The World's Oldest and Most Accurate Public Opinion Poll, see http://www. gallup. com/poll/content/? ci = 1210.
4White House 2004: Miscellany, http://www.pollingreport.com/wh04misc.htm.
6See David W. Moore, "Chasing Voters:Likely vs. Registered", http://www. gallup. com/poll/content/default. aspx? ci = 12742 ,August 17, 2004.
8Jeffrey M. Jones, The Nader Factor, http://www. gallup.com/poll/content/default. aspx? ci = 10798, February 26,2004.
9Jeffrey M. Jones, Bush Gets Small Convention Bounce, Leads Kerry by Seven, September 06, 2004, http://www. gallup./com/poll/content/default, aspx? ci = 12922.
10Joseph Carroll, "Swing Voters" in the 2004 Presidential Election, September 7, 2004, http://www. gallup. com/poll/ content/default, aspx? ci= 12925.