
当代东亚政党体制的转型:范式、原因和历史任务 被引量:2

Transition of Contemporary Political System of East Asia: Normal Form, Causes and Tasks of History
摘要 文章首先对第二次世界大战后半个多世纪以来东亚政党体制变迁的历史进程、发展阶段及其范式的转换进行了系统分析;其次从现代化进程、经济、文化和制度等方面,论述了推动或制约政党和政治体制转型的原因;最后指出东亚的多党体制是处于多党政治发展的初级阶段,它所面临的历史任务是发展市场经济。 Firstly, this paper makes a systemic analysis on the course of history, the developmental stage and the diversion of normal form of political system in East Asia after the World War II. Secondly, it expounds the causes of promoting or restricting parties and political system transition. Finally, it should be noted that multi-party politics is still in the cradle period of party development, so now it is confronted with the task of developing market economy, founding modern national system and promoting the process of democratization.
作者 李路曲
出处 《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期66-75,85,共11页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 东亚 政党体制 转型 原因 发展阶段 East Asia party system transition causes stage of development
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