随着现代化农业的发展和土地使用年限的增加,农用耕 地土壤有逐年退化的趋势,已成为未来农业持续发展的障碍。 土壤质量变化与生态环境影响和经营管理水平密切相关,如 何改良利用耕地土壤将直接关系到农业发展方向。以黑龙江 省黑河地区为例,分析了黑河地区目前农用耕地土壤存在的 主要问题,阐述了提高土壤肥力,保护耕地质量的有效措施和 对受损土壤改良利用的途径和管理办法,保证本地区耕地土 壤资源为子孙后代永续利用。
With the development of modern agriculture and increasing of land use times, farming soil condition trend to deteriorate, and it has become an obstacle to sustainable development of future agriculture. Soil quantity and ecosystem environment were influenced by soil management, how to improve farmland soil will be urgent problem. This text analyzed current problems of farmland soil in Heihe of Helongjiang Province, expatiated the effective measures to improving farmland quantity and to land conservation, and restoration to the damaged soil in order to guaranteeing the sustainable resource use.
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology