父母责任的效力是责任实施要素中的重要环节 ,包括父亲与母亲、父母与未成年子女、父母与第三人之间的责任分配与负担关系。其中 ,父亲与母亲应作为整体但却不负连带责任 ,责任的负担以拥有监护权并事实上能行使监护权为限 ,允许父母一方以已尽监护义务而免除自己的责任 ;对具有责任能力的未成年子女致人损害 ,有过失的父母应与之承担连带责任 ,并可进行内部求偿 ;在父母与第三人共同过失的情况下 ,应严格按自己责任原则 ,未成年子女无需承担父母的共同过失 。
The effect of Parents liability which concludes the distribution among father and mother, parents and minors, parents and other tortfeasors is important to implement liabilities . Father or mother must be responsible for their minors' torts as a whole, but can be exempt from liability by verifying that he or she have already completed the duties of care for minors, and parents with negligence also should be responsible for minors' torts concurrently with their kids who have liability capacity, but minors should not be responsible for parents' contributory negligence and so do parents.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law