在美国 ,司法成为了强大的政治力量 ,政治责任从立法和行政向司法转移。美国联邦法院的法官之所以能够承担政治司法化的功能 ,是因为他们拥有一项强大的权力 :司法审查权。由于拥有司法审查权 ,美国联邦法院通过判例为政治生活树立了新的行为标准 ,承担着重要的政治责任。联邦法院以普通法院审判诉讼案件的方式行使司法审查权 ,能使法官巧妙的解决政治纠纷 ,既约束法官的权力 ,同时又能使司法审查充分发挥作用 。
Judicature becomes powerful political force in the U.S.A. The judicial bench takes important political responsibilities. It is because the American judicature is conferred the power of judicial review. The federal judiciary enforces judicial review through trying cases, which can restrict the power of judicature on the one hand and give full play to the function of judicial review on the other hand. The judicature being political force has important effect on the political activities in U.S.A.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law