
论知识产权冲突规则的拟定——保护国法主义与分割论的结合适用 被引量:14

摘要 通过对几种主要的知识产权冲突规则的分析与比较,作者主张把保护国法主义作为第一位的冲突规则,把分割论作为第二位的冲突规则。随后,在对分割论进行理论完善的基础上对我国的知识产权冲突法立法提出了建议。
作者 冯术杰
出处 《法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期101-109,共9页 Law Science
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  • 1See James J. Fawcett and Paul Torremans, intellectual property and private international law, Clarendon Press Oxford 1998, p. 460.
  • 2邓永杰,刘德吉.TRIPs协定在国际上执行的理论与实践——兼评协定在我国的执行[J].法学评论,2001,19(3):86-93. 被引量:12
  • 3see Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary And Artistic Works (Paris 1971) article 5.2.
  • 4see Loi Fédérale du 18 décémbre 1987 sur le Droit International Privé (LDIP) article 110. 1.
  • 5.《保护文学艺术作品伯尔尼公约》第5条第2款、第6条之2第2款和第3款、第7条第8款、第14条之2第1项、第14条之2第2款C段[Z].,1886年..
  • 6see J.Schmidt-Szalewski,droit de la propriété intellectuelle, Paris 1991 , p.64 .
  • 7see case 158/86 [1988] ERC 2605.
  • 8See 17 U.S.C § 104 (c) (1989).
  • 9See Graeme B. Dinwoodie, International intellectual property litigation: a vehicle for resurgent comparativist thought? The American Journal of Comparative Law vol. 49, number 3, summer 2001, note 48.
  • 10韩德培.《中国国际私法与比较法年刊(1998)》[M].法律出版社,1996年版.第520页.


  • 1郑成思.知识产权的国际保护与涉外保护[J].中国社会科学院研究生院学报,1997(2):55-61. 被引量:12
  • 2Intellectual Pruperty and international Trade - the TRIPs .Agreement, ediled by M Corren Garlos and Abdulqawi A Yusuf, Kluwer law Intemational 1997, P. 108.
  • 3See David W. Leebron, Implementation of the Uruguay Round Results in the United States, Implementing the Urdguay Rotund, edited by John H. Jackson and A an Sykes, Claredon Press Oxford 1997, P. 187.
  • 4996 F 2d. 660 (Fed Cir. 1992).
  • 5Intellectual Property and International Trade-the TRIPs .Agreement, adited by M Correa Garlos and Abdulqawi A Yusuf, Kluwer law International 1997, P. 111-112.
  • 6Seee David w. Leebron, Impliementation of the Uruguay Round Results in the United States.Impiementing the Uruguay Round, edited by John H . Jackson and Alan Sykes, Clarecon Press Oxford 1997, p. 208.
  • 7See David w. Leebron, Implementation of the Uruguay Round Results in the United States Implementing the Uruguay Round, edited by John H . Jackson and Alan Sykes, Claredon Press Oxford 1997, P 212.
  • 8Intellectual Property and International Trade--the TRIPs Agreement, edited by M Corres, Garlos and Abdulqawi A Yusuf, Kluwer law International 1997, P, 112.
  • 9See Intellectual Property and International Trade --the TRIPs Agreement, edited by M Correa Garlos and Abdulqawi A Yusuf, Kluwer law International 1997, P113.
  • 10See Meinhard Hilf, Negotiating and Implementing the Uruguay Round; the Role of EC Member States- the Case of Germany, Implementing the Uruguay Round,edited by John H. Jackson and Alan Sykes, Claredon Press Oxford 1997, P. 121.











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