6see J.Schmidt-Szalewski,droit de la propriété intellectuelle, Paris 1991 , p.64 .
7see case 158/86 [1988] ERC 2605.
8See 17 U.S.C § 104 (c) (1989).
9See Graeme B. Dinwoodie, International intellectual property litigation: a vehicle for resurgent comparativist thought? The American Journal of Comparative Law vol. 49, number 3, summer 2001, note 48.
2Intellectual Pruperty and international Trade - the TRIPs .Agreement, ediled by M Corren Garlos and Abdulqawi A Yusuf, Kluwer law Intemational 1997, P. 108.
3See David W. Leebron, Implementation of the Uruguay Round Results in the United States, Implementing the Urdguay Rotund, edited by John H. Jackson and A an Sykes, Claredon Press Oxford 1997, P. 187.
4996 F 2d. 660 (Fed Cir. 1992).
5Intellectual Property and International Trade-the TRIPs .Agreement, adited by M Correa Garlos and Abdulqawi A Yusuf, Kluwer law International 1997, P. 111-112.
6Seee David w. Leebron, Impliementation of the Uruguay Round Results in the United States.Impiementing the Uruguay Round, edited by John H . Jackson and Alan Sykes, Clarecon Press Oxford 1997, p. 208.
7See David w. Leebron, Implementation of the Uruguay Round Results in the United States Implementing the Uruguay Round, edited by John H . Jackson and Alan Sykes, Claredon Press Oxford 1997, P 212.
8Intellectual Property and International Trade--the TRIPs Agreement, edited by M Corres, Garlos and Abdulqawi A Yusuf, Kluwer law International 1997, P, 112.
9See Intellectual Property and International Trade --the TRIPs Agreement, edited by M Correa Garlos and Abdulqawi A Yusuf, Kluwer law International 1997, P113.
10See Meinhard Hilf, Negotiating and Implementing the Uruguay Round; the Role of EC Member States- the Case of Germany, Implementing the Uruguay Round,edited by John H. Jackson and Alan Sykes, Claredon Press Oxford 1997, P. 121.