

On the Economic Development of Beijing and a few Problems on City Construction
摘要 对北京市经济发展与城市建设中的若干问题进行了思考。认为“北京经济”比“首都经济”的提法更适合;“京津经济圈”比“首都经济圈”和“北京经济圈”的提法更合理;北京市的近期目标应该是建成一个现代化的区域性综合型国际大都市,中远期目标是建成一个现代的全球性综合型国际大都市;北京不仅是“政治中心”和“文化中心”;而且也应该是“知识型经济中心”。 Having pondered over some problems in the economic development of Beijing City and its city construction, The present authors argue that the term of'Beijing economy' is more appropriate than the term 'the capital's economy'; and 'Beijing-Tianjing Economy Zone' is more reasonable than 'Capital Economy Zone' or 'Beijing Economy zone'. The goal for the development of Beijing City in the near future should be to construct Beijing into a modern regionally-colligated metropolis, and its the mid-long term goal should be to change Beijing into a globalized metropolis. Beijing should be not only the 'political center' and 'cultural center', but also be the worldwide 'center of intellectual economy'.
出处 《北京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第1期55-57,共3页 Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
关键词 北京 北京经济 京津经济圈 知识型经济中心 Beijing Beijing's economy Beijing-Tianjing economy zone center of intellectual economy.
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  • 1霍尔.世界城市[M].中国科学院地理研究所译,中国建筑工业出版社,1982.
  • 2数字见证北京经济腾飞[N].北京晨报,2002-12-20:7.
  • 3王文元.东京大都市[M].北京大学图书馆.
  • 4蔡来兴.国际经济中心的崛起[M].北京大学图书馆.
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