
亲日乎 弃日乎——从1927年蒋介石访日事件看蒋日关系

Pro - Japanese or Anti - Japanesn --Which relation we can declaim about Chiang kai - shek and Japan from the incident which Chiang Kai - shek went on a tour in Japan in 1927
摘要 第一次下野后,蒋介石选择出游日本,其主要目的是想走东京路线,其次是为了宋美龄的婚事。 在研究蒋介石出游日本这一事件中,有两个因素应该考虑:其一,当时的蒋介石为亲日派分子;其二,这次出游事 件发生在东方会议召开后不久,中日关系正日趋紧张。在出游日本的整个过程中,蒋介石在订亲、培植友谊等方 面都比较顺利,但在访日的重头戏--田中会谈上,蒋介石没有得到他所想要的东西--日本应支持他北伐,统 一全国。因此,可认为,这次出游日本是失败的。在此之后蒋介石的亲日态度发生了变化。 after Chiang kai -shek had marched off into political ilderness for his first time, he choosed to go on a tour in Japan , its main purpose was to want to take the route of Tokey. Secondly, it was for Song eiling's marriage wedding . On Chiang kai - shek's visit to Japan, two actors shoud be taken into consideration . One was that Chiang kai - shek himself was lso pro - Japanese at that time, the other was that it took laced not long after the Easter conference , China was having tense relation in that time. In the whole course of going on a tour in Japan, Chiang kai - shekwas smoother in ordering and kissing , cultivating the friendship etc, but during his conversation with Japanese prime minister Giichi Tanaka, Chiang kai - shek did not obtain what he wanted __Japan should support his northern expedition and unified country. For this reason,he himself thought that his visit to Japan was a failure ,thus ,he began to change his pro -Japan ttitude.
作者 唐湘雨
出处 《钦州师范高等专科学校学报》 2005年第1期88-92,共5页 Journal of Qinzhou Teachers College
关键词 蒋介石 日本 蒋日关系 Chiang kai -shek go on a tour in Japan the relation between Chiang kai -shek and Japan
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