分布式交互仿真支撑技术的选择和仿真系统框架的设计直接影响到仿真系统建设的成败和作用的发挥。该文从分布交互式仿真系统工程建设的角度出发 ,基于分布交互式仿真技术发展现状和武器系统试验与鉴定仿真系统的特点 ,在综合考虑满足目前需求和未来发展需要的情况下 ,分析了在武器系统试验与鉴定仿真系统中采用DIS技术的原因 。
The selection of the architecture of distributed interactive simulation and the design of the simulation framework will effect the construction of the simulation system and its Application directly .Based on the current state of the distributed interactive simulation technology and the feature of the simulation system for the weapon systemsˊ test and evaluation,taking the current simulation demand and its developing and the demand of system construction into account ,the paper analyses the feasibility and rationality of using DIS technology in the simulation system,then,introduces a framework for the simulation system.
Computer Simulation