
塔中、塔北古隆起形成演化及油气地质条件对比 被引量:93

Comparison of tectonic evolutions and petroleum geological conditions in Tazhong and Tabei palaeohighs in Tarim Basin
摘要 塔中、塔北古隆起构造演化及油气地质条件对比结果表明:中加里东期,塔中隆升使得中奥陶统缺失,风化壳岩溶发育,上奥陶统生油岩及礁滩相储层局限于古隆起分布;而塔北还处于台地-斜坡环境,中、上奥陶统较全,台缘相灰泥丘生油岩分布广,中奥陶统礁滩相层序不整合面岩溶储层发育。中晚加里东期,塔中强烈活动而发育3个背斜构造带,仅背斜顶部碳酸盐岩出露区发育风化壳岩溶;而塔北因整体抬升,风化壳岩溶因为碳酸盐岩未出露地表而不发育。晚加里东期,塔中因古隆起已形成而大量汇聚油气;而塔北则呈零星分散充注。早海西期,塔中东部相对抬高而使古隆起呈东高西低地势,在中西部沉积东河砂岩,在东部潜山带发育多个小规模风化壳岩溶储集体;塔北地区则发生强烈隆升,碳酸盐岩在鼻凸构造上整体暴露地表而发育大型风化壳岩溶系统。早海西期以后,塔中古隆起随盆地升降而呈残留古隆起,其东高西低的地势使其可以通过Ⅰ号断裂带汇聚阿瓦提凹陷油气;而塔北地区继续强烈隆升而呈继承性古隆起,为满加尔凹陷油气运移的主要指向区。据此,认为塔北油气勘探可向南斜坡拓展;而塔中可向西斜坡拓展,其东南外围地区应以寻找晚加里东期古油藏为主。 Comparison of tectonic evolutions and petroleum geological conditions between Tazhong and Tabei palaeohighs shows that ,in Middle Caledonian, Tazhong area was uplifted, resulting in the absence of Middle Ordovician and well developed weathered residuum and karst ,while the Upper Ordovician source rock and reef flat reservoirs facies were limited on the palaeohigh. Tabei area was then still in a platform-slope environment, Upper and Middle Ordovician were relatively complete,lime-mud mound source rocks of platform edge facies were widely distributed, and karst reservoirs on the unconformable surface in the Middle Ordovician sequence of reef flat facies were well developed. In Middle-Late Caledonian, 3 anticlinal structural belts were developed in Tazhong area due to strong movement, and weathered residuum and karst were developed only in carbonate outcrops on top of the anticlines. Whereas Tabei area was overall uplifted, then weathered residuum and karst were undeveloped, because carbonates had not been cropping out. In Late Caledonian, large amount of hydrocarbons accumulated in Tazhong area, since the palaeohigh had been formed; while only sporadic charging of hydrocarbons occurred in Tabei area. In Early Hercynian, the eastern part of Tazhong area was relatively elevated, leading to the palaeohigh to have a topography of high in the east and low in the west. The Donghe Formation sandstone was deposited in the west-central part, while multiple small residuum -karst reservoirs were developed in the eastern buried hill zone. Tabei area was strongly uplifted, and carbonates in the nose structure had wholly been cropped out, resulting in the development of large residuum-karst system. After Early Hercynian, Tazhong palaeohigh became a residual palaeohigh along with elevation and subsidence of the basin, and the topography of high in the east and low in the west made it possible to collect and accumulate hydrocarbons in Awati sag through fracture belt Ⅰ. The strong and continuous uplifting of Tabei area made it to be an inherited palaeohigh and became the major directed area of hydrocarbons mirgration from Manjiar sag.Considering the situation the mentioned above, it is suggested that the petroleum exploration in Tabei area can be extended to the southern slope, while that in Tazhong area can be extended to the western slope, and the explortion in the southeast periphery area should be target at the Late Caledonian fossil oil accumulations.
出处 《石油与天然气地质》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期114-119,129,共7页 Oil & Gas Geology
基金 国家"十五"科技攻关项目部分成果(2001BA605A-03-01)
关键词 塔里木盆地 古隆起 构造演化 油气地质条件 古岩溶储层 对比 Tarim Basin palaeohigh tectonic evolution petroleum geological conditions paleokasrt reservoirs comparison
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