回鹘与唐朝的密切接触,受其影响,社会经济得到快速发展。840年,部众西迁至中亚、西域及河西走廊一 带后,由于地理环境的改变,加上受中亚、西域、河西地区发达的农业文化的影响,回鹘社会生活方式由天幕移徙改 变为城郭定居生活,在生产方式方面,由草原游牧改为以农耕为主,同时兼营畜牧与狩猎,而且在手工业、商业等方 面也都有突出的发展;民族性格由善骑射、多寇抄而转化为和平而淳朴的民族;文化面貌亦由原来比较单一的形态 向多元文化形态转化。
As Huihu had very close connection with the Tang Dynasty, it witnessed rapid development in economy. In the year 840, Huihu tribes migrated to Mid-Asia, the West Region and the Hexi Corridor. Due to the change of environment and influence of the much developed agriculture-oriented culture of the area, Huihu society underwent great change: from living outdoors against the canopy of the heavens to settling down and living within the city walls; from roving around as nomad to farming in addition to animal husbandry and hunting. Meanwhile handicraft industry and business also developed. The ethnic spirit changed from being actively involved in riding, arrow shooting and invading to loving peace. The cultural identity changed too from the previous monotony to diversity and multicultural forms.
Journal of Xinjiang University(Social Science Edition)