"五四"前后中国新诗话语模式的生成与嬗交,表现为一个循环态势,即个体生命(自我)的缺席--出场 --缺席的变化流程。文言话语仍然是晚清诗歌的中心话语;白话话语解构了文言话语,凸显了话语主体;大众话 语则实现了话语主体向客体的转换。
Formation and change of the discourse mode of Chinese new poetry before and after the May Fifth Movement was characterized by change with the absence of individual life (self), presence to absence forming a cycling process. The classical (wenyan) discourse was still the dominant language used in the later Qing Dynasty and the vernacular(baihua) discourse deconstructed the classical discourse and highlighted the subject of discourse. The mass discourse realized the transformation from the subject to object in discourse.
Journal of Xinjiang University(Social Science Edition)