Drama, an ancient art, has undergone a long broken time during which galaxy of great dramatists and a great many outstanding works emerged. As the representative, Lao-she created the marvelous works for the art. For a long time, drama, as an art and literature for the masses, used to be a sort of art that people loved to see and hear, but met a shock and challenge in electronic times. The shortage of good plays and the no-applauding in drama drove the stage play which had become less popular to a much smaller group of people. The extinction of drama is kind of complicated culture phenomenon. However, the only way to come out of the difficult position is to find out the drama's own power of aesthetic judgement, say good-works' creation. Looking closely at and study about Lao-she's selected-plays, there's no limit for the beauty of the humanity however. The quality-oriented spirit of Lao-she is of great importance for the retrieval of Chinese drama in the new century.
Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
the quality-oriented spirit
humanity spirit
the art-to-duty