

Hierarchical Network Model of Semantic Memory
摘要 Collins和Quillian提出的语义层次网络模型不能解释否定判断等效应。本研究通过两个对层次网络信息认知的实验来对否定效应进行深入探讨,以求重新理解层次网络模型的本质,结果中都出现了非常显著的层次效应或越界效应,说明被试形成了层次网络结构。被试对层次网络的加工是逐层自上而下方式的加工。判断两个不同范畴的事物,就因涉及到的层次少而反应时更短。因此,否定效应是支持记忆的层次网络模型的有力证据。 Semantic hierarchical network model of memory sponsored by Collins and Quillian failed to account for negative effect. In this research, two experiments were conducted to explore the negative effect so as to comprehend the nature of hierarchical network model again. The results showed very significant hierarchical effect and boundary effect. A hierarchical network was formed. The judgment of two objects of different categories needs less time for revolving fewer layers. Therefore, the negative effects are the powerful supportive verification for hierarchical network models of memory.
作者 李伯约 赛丹
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第2期80-83,共4页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 语义层次网络 层次效应 越界效应 否定效应 temporal hierarchical network hierarchical effect boundary effect negative effect
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