物理复杂性在系统的复杂性层次中具有基础地位。基于对物理结构认识的复杂性概念在所有本体论意义上的复杂性概念中具有更为基础的意义 ,综述了结构复杂性的一般涵义和两个狭义结构复杂性概念——树的多样性和标度动力学复杂性及其哲学意义。
Physical complexity stands at basal position in the levels o f system complexity. Complexity concepts based on the understanding of physical structure have found ational sense among all the ontological complexity concepts. The general meanings of structure and two special ones, they are the diversity of trees and scaling dynamic complexity, were summ arized and their philosophical meanings were discussed too.
Journal of Systemic Dialectics