在给出社会实践管理系统组织化的主要内容 ,即系统结构和运行设计的基础上 ,提出了相应的设计原则 ;同时 ,按照“为什么做——做什么——如何做”的问题解决思路 ,将社会实践管理组织化过程分为情景分析、任务设计、功能设计、结构和运行设计、实施设计以及设计评价六个阶段 ,从而形成了一种较为系统化的社会实践管理系统组织化体系。
Based on describing the principal contents of organizing pro cess of social practice management system, i.e. system structure design and operation design, correspond ing design principles are given. And then according to the following procedure of solving problems: why, what and how to do, the organizing process of social practice management system is divided into six steps: situation analysis, tasks design, functions design, structure and op eration design, implement design and design evaluation, and so a syste matic design framework of social practice management system is formed.
Journal of Systemic Dialectics
中国博士后科学基金资助项目 (编号 :0 12 9)
军械工程学院资助项目 (YJJXM0 30 2 5 )