We couldn' t transform fast- growth Groundnut Rhizobium Strain 85- 7 and slowgrowth Groundnut Whizobium strain CO2-5 with an universal vector PLAFR1 for G- bacteria by generaltransformation procedure. By electroporation, we have successfully introduced pLAFR1 into 85-7 andCO2-5. The electroporation conditions that resulted in the high efficiencies of 105. μg-1 DNA forstrain 85-7 and 104. μg-1 DNA for strain CO2-5 were high voltege 12. 5 kV. cm-1 and short pulse5msec for 85-7 and 10 ms for CO2- 5. pLAFR1 from 85-7 or CO2-5 transformed 85-7 or CO2-5 withhigh efficiency, while the same plasmid extracted from E. coli transformed 85-7 and CO2-5 at low efficiency. ti is also possible to efficiently transfer DNA between stain 85-7 and strain CO2-5. Plasmidsanalysis results showed that one more plasmid was found in transformants.
Journal of Wuhan University(Natural Science Edition)