目的 :了解深圳市中小学生营养状况 ,探讨营养干预的效果。方法 :对深圳市某学校的中、小学生共 886人进行膳食调查、体格检查、血红蛋白测定 ,并进行营养知识干预。结果 :干预前钙、锌、维生素B1、维生素B2 的摄入量明显不足 ,干预后显著提高 ;干预后中小学生营养不良的发生率显著下降 ;干预对中小学生的知识、态度、行为有了显著改善。结论 :在学校开展形式灵活的营养干预 ,效果良好。
Objective:To find out the nutritional status of sec ondary and prima ry school students of Shenzhen,and study on the effect of nutritional interventi on. Methods:Food investigation, physical check-up, hemaglobin test, a nd nutritiona l knowledge intervention have been conducted in 886 secondary and primary school students from a school of Shenzhen.Results:The amount of calcium , zinc, vitam in B 1 and B 2 were quite low before nutritional intervention,and rised great ly af ter intervention.The rate of cacotrophy of secondary and primary school studen t s declined sharply after intervention.The knowledge,manner and behavior of se c ondary and primary school students have been improved after intervention.Conclusion:Good effect has been acquired by multiple nutritional intervention developed in school.
Modern Preventive Medicine