
PBT/(PEG+IPA)多嵌段共聚醚酯弹性纤维的制备及性能 被引量:7

Preparation of PBT/(PEG+IPA) Multiblock Copolyetherester Elastic Fibers
摘要 采用大分子酯交换法从聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯(PBT)、聚乙二醇(PEG)合成了PBT/PEG多嵌段共聚醚酯弹性体,并采用熔融纺丝法制备弹性纤维。为提高弹性纤维的低温回弹性能,采用间苯二甲酸(IPA)与PEG反应得到软段共聚酯,再与PBT通过酯交换反应得到PBT/(PEG+IPA)共聚物,由于聚乙二醇结构的规整性降低,纤维的低温回弹性能得到了一定的改善。0℃时,改性纤维的回弹性与未改性纤维相比,回弹率E100%提高了12%,回弹率E200%提高了14.5%,回弹率E300%提高了12.3%。此外还考察了PBT链段含量对弹性纤维性能的影响,随着PBT的含量增加,纤维的熔点升高,断裂强度提高,但断裂伸长率和回弹性能同时降低。 PBT/PEG copolyetherester multiblock copolymer was synthesized by macromolecular transesterification method from PBT and PEG functional macromers. When the IPA was introduced into the macromolecular main chain of PEG segment, the crystallization of PEG segment was impeded, and as a result the elasticity of PBT/(PEG + IPA) elastic fibers at relatively low temperature increased to some extent compared with the unmodified PBT/PEG fibers. At 0°C, there is an increase of 12% in E100%, 14.5% in E200%, 12.3% in E300%. PBT hard segment has great effect on the properties of elastic fibers. With the increase in PBT content, the melting temperature and tensile strength increased accordingly, but the elongation at break and the elasticity decreased then.
出处 《四川大学学报(工程科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期71-75,共5页 Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition)
关键词 聚醚酯共聚物 热塑性弹性体 弹性纤维 回弹性 Crystallization Elasticity Macromolecules Tensile strength Thermoplastic elastomers
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