通过对教育部颁发的时间跨度为 10年的两个“体育课程教学指导纲要”的对比,分析了新、旧两个“纲要”在性质、结构、内容上的异同,阐述了“新纲要”产生的背景、基本内容、主要创新点,以及贯彻“新纲要”应注意的事项等。
After an interval of 10 years, the Ministry of Education published a new guidance program for teaching in physical education courses. Contrasting the new program with the old one, and analyzing the difference and sameness between the two programs in the characteristics, structure, and contents, the paper expounds the background, basic contents, main innovations, and also gives some notices on carrying out the new program.
Journal of Physical Education Institute of Shanxi Teachers University