
产权交易市场涉外购并的新动向与政策建议 被引量:1

The New Trend in the Foreign Purchase and Merger in Property Right Trading Market and the Policy Suggestions
摘要 通过兼并收购中国企业资产的方式在国内市场扩展业务 ,已成为许多跨国公司争夺国内市场而采用的重要策略。但是 ,我国在涉外购并方面 ,还存在一些问题 :相关法律体系尚不健全 ;专业性中介机构尚不配套 ;一些地方还停留在为引资而引资的层面 ;公共资源被扭曲使用 ;资产重组中核心技术和知识产权的掌握比较薄弱 ;“国退民进”的政策落实不到位等。通过实证研究分析 ,提出要积极引导涉外购并的方向 ,吸收外资要与我国走新型工业化道路相匹配 。 Expanding business in domestic market through purchasing and merging the assets of Chinese enterˉprises has become important strategy that many transnational companies adopt to compete for domestic market.However,there exist some problems in the foreign purchase and merger in China:related legal systems are not perfect;professional intermediary organs are not sufficient;in some places,the concept is still at the level of attracting capital for the sake of attracting capital;public resources are distortedly used;the mastery of the nuˉclear technology and intellectual property rights in assets reorganization is weak;the policy of”Country back and People forward”has not been implemented properly,etc.By means of analysis through examples,this paˉper puts forward that the foreign purchase and merger should be actively guided and the attraction of foreign capitals should match the policy of”Taking a newroad to industrialization”of China;and it suggests that anˉti_monopoly laws be made as soon as possible.
作者 银纯泉
出处 《重庆工学院学报》 2005年第2期6-10,共5页 Journal of Chongqing Institute of Technology
关键词 购并 外购 中国企业 产权交易市场 国内市场 政策建议 吸收外资 涉外 反垄断法 健全 transaction of property rights foreign purchase and merger policy suggestion
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