通过对我国汽车金融业发展缓慢的原因剖析 ,提出促进汽车金融业发展的汽车金融公司模式 ,根据目前我国汽车金融相关的政策和市场环境等因素 ,借鉴国外发达国家的汽车金融业发展经验 ,认为汽车金融公司在一段时间内与商业银行同竞争共合作 ,随着政策的完善和市场的规范 ,汽车金融将走到中国汽车金融业的前台 ,进而推动汽车金融向专业化、市场化。
After analyzing the causes for the slowdevelopment in automobile financial business in China,this paper puts forward the pattern of Automobile Financial Company to promote the development of automobile fiˉnancial business.Based on the policy related to automobile finance and market environment in China and the experience of developed countries in developing automobile financial business,it is believed that the automoˉbile financial companies will compete and cooperate with financial banks and will become the main force in Chiˉna automobile financial industry with the perfection of policies and the standardization of market to promote the development of automobile financial business toward specialization,marketization and internationalization.
Journal of Chongqing Institute of Technology